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Kortenkamp, U. (2001).  Die interaktive Geometrie-Software Cinderella. (Beck, U., & Sommer W., Ed.).Tagungsband Learntec 2001. 2, 525–532.
Kortenkamp, U. (2007).  Zur Reaktivierung der Geometrie in der Schule. Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht. Vorträge auf der 41. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik. PDF icon Kortenkamp-ZRGS-2007.pdf (442.47 KB)
[Gast] (2014).  Early Mathematics Learning. (Kortenkamp, U., Brandt B., Benz C., Krummheuer G., Ladel S., & Vogel R., Ed.).
Kortenkamp, U., Blessing A. M., Dohrmann C., Kreis Y., Libbrecht P., & Mercat C. (2009).  Interoperable Interactive Geometry For Europe – First Technological and Educational Results and Future Challenges of the Intergeo Project. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. January 28th - February 1st 2009, Lyon (France).
Kortenkamp, U. (2005).  Klammergebirge als Strukturierungshilfe in der Algebra. Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht. Vorträge auf der 39. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik in Bielefeld. PDF icon Kortenkamp-KSA-2005a..pdf (1.41 MB)
Kortenkamp, U., & Dohrmann C. (2010).  User Interface Design for Dynamic Geometry Software. Proceedings of CADGME 2009. 3, 59-66.PDF icon KortenkampDohrmann-UIDDGS-2010a.pdf (152.43 KB)
Kortenkamp, U., & Materlik D. (2004).  Pen-based input of geometric constructions. (Libbrecht, P., Ed.).Proceedings of MathUI 2004. PDF icon KortenkampMaterlik-PIGC-2004a.pdf (154.41 KB)
Kortenkamp, U. H., & Richter-Gebert J. (1999).  Das Cinderella-Projekt. (Maffeis, S., Toenniessen F., & Zeidler C., Ed.).Erfahrungen mit Java. 381–401.
Kortenkamp, U., & Laborde C. (2011).  Interoperable Interactive Geometry for Europe: an introduction. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education. 1-3.
Kuzle, A. (2013).  Patterns of metacognitive behavior during mathematics problem-solving in a dynamic geometry environment. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education. 8(1), 20–40.
Kuzle, A. (2011).  Preservice teachers’ patterns of metacognitive behavior during mathematics problem solving in a dynamic geometry environment.
Kuzle, A., Pavlekovic M., Kolar-Begovic Z.., & Kolar-Super R.. (2013).  The interrelations of the cognitive, and metacognitive factors with the affective factors during problem solving. Mathematics teaching for the future . 250–260.
Kuzle, A., & Dohrmann C. (2014).  Unpacking Children's Angle "Grundvorstellungen”: The Case of Distance “Grundvorstellung” of 1° Angle. (Liljedahl, P., & Sinclare N., Ed.).PME 38. PDF icon RR_Kuzle-Dohrmann-submitted.pdf (683.57 KB)
Kuzle, A. (2012).  Preservice teachers’ patterns of metacognitive behavior during mathematics problem solving in a dynamic geometry environment. (Ludwig, M., & Kleine M., Ed.).46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik. 2, 513–516.
Kuzle, A. (Submitted).  Problem solving as an instructional method: The case of strategy-open problem “The treasure island problem”. LUMAT – Research and Practice in Math, Science and Technology Education.
Kuzle, A., & Artigue M. (2012).  Characterization of preservice teachers’ patterns of metacognitive behavior and the use of Geometer’s Sketchpad. The didactics of mathematics: Approaches and issues. A Hommage to Michèle Artigue.
Kuzle, A. (Submitted).  Unpacking the nature of problem solving processes in a dynamic geometry environment: Different technological effects. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik.
Kuzle, A. (2012).  Investigating and communicating technology mathematics problem solving experience of two preservice teachers. Acta Didactica Napocensia. 5(1), 1–10.
Kuzle, A. (Submitted).  Nature of metacognition in a dynamic geometry environment. LUMAT – Research and Practice in Math, Science and Technology Education.


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